We've been extremely pleased with the community's feedback on SV 2020, which has been overwhelmingly positive. And knowing we had some things that we wanted to continue development on, we decided to keep going with it on a 2.0 version. We've added improvements to existing properties, all-new properties, new lot locations in the world, new sims, fixes to lots that were in the originals, and more.
We've also created a home for Sunset Valley 2020 on the web, which we'll be making public at the same time the new worlds are released. Everything you can find here will also be available there, in addition to a members area that allows you to take part in the community - post your own blogs, screenshots, and upload/download files like sims3packs and package files (sims, lots, or other content any user posts and make available). If possible, we may also make future beta builds available for people wanting to help test them. The website is meant to be a hub for SV2020, it's information and downloads, and as a home for you to share your content or experiences with Sunset Valley 2020 on the web! Carl & Pam's forums will continue to be a primary location for feedback, support, and updates.
You can look forward to the new version of Sunset Valley 2.0 (and the new website) in another few weeks! We're still hard at work putting the finishing touches on the worlds, and creating the community website for it. We're excited for the future of SV2020, and will let the community know when the worlds and website become available, stay tuned!
In the meantime we put together a few 2.0 teaser screenshots, enjoy!