To create an Album that can hold images, files, or music - head to your profile and click on the "My Gallery" tab just below your canvas/avatar:


You will see two large green buttons, the second is "New Album".  Click that and you will be in album creation mode:



You should give your Album a name in the "Title" box, and a description saying what it is for.  If you set your Album to Unpublished, no one but yourself and Moderators/Admins can see it for now while you work on finishing it.  When it is ready for publishing and you toggle that back on, you should set a Privacy level for it, meaning "who can see this album".

Privacy on your content is detailed in another help document, but these are the general levels you can choose from:

  • Public - Anyone can see this information
  • Users - Registered members (logged in) on the site can see this information
  • Private - Only you and Moderators/Admins can see this information
  • Connections - You and your friends (connections) can see this information
  • Connections of Connections - You, your friends, and their friends can see this information

You can also select specific connection (friend) types:

  • Friend - For people you marked as a "Friend" when managing your connections
  • Co-Worker - For people you marked as "Co-Workers" when managing your connections
  • Family - For people you marked as "Family" when managing your connections


When you are done creating your Album, click the blue "Create Album" button and you will be returned to your Profile, viewing your Gallery tab where the new album should be listed.


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