Please keep these guidelines and rules in mind when utilizing the website!  It helps keep the time everyone spends out here more enjoyable and friendly!


  • Do not attack/harass/insult anyone.  This includes flaming, hate speech, racial slurs, negative religious comments, gender based flaming, etc.


  • Be polite and respectful to others at all times.  If you have a problem with someone you can't work out, send a PM to an admin and we can try to help you.


  • Avoid text-speak and web acronyms if possible - spell it out so posts are easier to read and understand.  This is especially important when creating your own blogs/stories.


  • When creating posts and blogs, using the default system font and size is recommended.  If you need to make a section header, you can use font sizes up to 18, including boldfacing, underlining, italics, etc.


  • Embedding images in-line (or as thumbnails for links) is encouraged, but please try to limit the width/height of inserted images/thumbs to 1024x768 pixels or less.  Thumbnails are usually best under 600 pixels wide, or 500 pixels tall.


  • Please try not to abuse the formatting options. This means:
    • Typing in ALL CAPS makes it look like you are yelling, and people read things like that less.  It can also be a little annoying if used frequently.
    • Extra-large fonts beyond 18px are discouraged.  They dominate the page and any other content on it, and sometimes don't wrap correctly when visitor screen resolutions are different.
    • Repeating symbols are both unrecognizable by people, and by search engine bots.  Try not to use them - they may be edited out by our team if seen.


  • Do not troll, bait or flame with the intent of starting an argument for any reason. This includes making sarcastic, off-topic, rude or disruptive posts, PMs, and discussions.


  • Always ask another content creator's permission to use any of their work.  Blogs, stories, sims, uploads of lots or sims, and so on.


  • Discussion of adult content and mods should be taken to PMs and not used publicly in comments or blogs.  Mention of or links to websites that host adult content should be marked with the NSFW tag either next to them, or at the top of the post so readers are forewarned.  Under no circumstances should any screenshots or adult-style stories be allowed on the site with a public visibility status.  If you absolutely want or need to create such content, you need to flag it as "Private" in the article or Album/Image settings, and notify an Admin so they can check to make sure it was set properly.


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